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Kids seem to always be asking questions — How many stars are in the sky?  Why is the weather so hot?  How do animals know what to do when it gets cold outside? 

Believe it or not, even young children are able to understand some scientific concepts.  Never assume that your child’s too young to understand something — always try explaining it first (don’t underestimate their intelligence)! 

Here are 5 science concepts that kids can grasp with easy ways to show your child the ‘science behind the question’.

Read More about Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Science

Wow has summer just flown by or what?!  The kids only have a few more weeks before they start classes here (they are NOT ready to go back) and this is the last topic in our Summer Science series.

If you’ve missed the previous science projects and booklists, please check out the links at the bottom of the post — Trisha (Inspiration Laboratories) and I have had such a fun time pulling together hands-ons science and many of the activities can be used year round!

Read More about Ecology for Kids: Learning about Biomes

If you have blocks, legos or anything that stacks in the house, I’m sure your child has tried to build something.  Playing around with engineering ideas and principles helps kids to better understand the world around them and how things work (it’s an early introduction to the world of physics!)

This week’s Discover & Explore linky is featuring Build It: Ideas for Little Engineers to encourage kids to create, play and explore the concepts of engineering.

Read More about Build It: Engineering Books & Resoures for Kids

This week’s linky will Discover & Explore Boats, Water Fun & Things that Float!

Kids can explore a number of science and engineering ideas by trying to build their own boat and playing around with the concept of sink and float. 

How heavy is an item before it sinks?  And what type of materials can be used to make a boat that floats?

Read More about Boats, Water Fun and Things that Float for Kids