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Try some of these Trick or treat ideas instead of candy — both non edible and alternative Halloween treats for kids! Let me tell you about the year I handed out pretzels for Halloween — It’s a HUGE family joke my kids bring up every year now 🙂 To my defense, they were pumpkin & …

Read More about 20 Alternative Halloween Treats (No Candy & Non Edible Ideas!)

 This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #40Pounds #CollectiveBias   I’m sure the last month at your home has been a whirlwind like ours — all the craziness that comes with starting a new school year. But in the midst of all that happens during …

Read More about A Global STEM Activity & Family Service Project

We had a mishap at our house this week – our youngest leaned on the soap holder while showering and ripped it (along with some tiles) off the wall!  I realized that I have told my kids to rinse their hair really well, check the water before getting in, and step on the bathmat when getting out – but I never said anything about leaning on the soap holder. 

So, I got to thinking about other things that kids should know that we may have forgotten to tell them – here are a few:

Read More about 12 Important Things to Tell Kids

As part of a post sponsored by Collective Bias®, I visited Walgreens to learn more about annual flu vaccines and their amazing “Give a Shot, Get a Shot” campaign which helps kids around the world to stay healthy.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not crazy over shots but I do get my flu shot every year.  When I attended grad school for Public Health, I learned about the benefits of getting regularly scheduled vaccines for kids & adults.

Read More about Get a Flu Shot and Help Kids Around the World to Stay Healthy

I do so love the holidays!  Yes, I know they get crazy and busy (and I never seem to get all the baking done that I would like to) but it’s a time to connect with family and reflect on all the joy that we have in our lives.

And for our family, it’s also a time to give to others.  Some years, we adopt a family and help provide them with a meal; other years, we’ll adopt an angel from a tree or donate toys to Toys for Tots.  There are so many ways to give back and make the season a joyous one for others.


Read More about A Season of Giving: Share Compliments


I love the month of November! 


I know that most kids think it’s just the time between Halloween and the beginning of the holiday seasons, but for me it’s a great time to be thankful for a number of things. 


I hope as my kids get older, they too begin to appreciate some of the following:

Read More about 5 Things I Want My Kids to Love (and Learn) in November